The ocean, the sea, the water, the blue planet; we may refer to it differently, but one thing is the same – every living thing depends on it. The ocean contains an astounding diversity of life and affects everything from global weather patterns to food systems.
If you have been part of the By Alona family for a long time, you know that the ocean is one of our biggest passions and inspirations. Focusing in conserving the sea and making sure its beauty and life and can be appreciated for future generations to come. We have always donated 10% of all proceeds of our orders to Ocean conservation charities, like Ocean Clean Up, Parley for the Oceans and others.
A recent study made on 2022 found that storm drains in Hong Kong carry billions of toxic plastic particles into the sea, threatening marine and human life. California declared a state of emergency as record flooding from a bomb cyclone wreaks havoc in the drought-stricken state and a massive heat dome across Europe smashed thousands of high-temperature records.
It's a brand new year and now more than ever the ocean needs us to take action. Many of us are making resolutions, plans and goals for 2023 and yes, saving our blue planet is a vast, global task. But there are many actions and lifestyle choices we can all take that can help preserve our oceans for the future and we're sharing some of the best tips.

1. Skip the single-use plastics
Plastics that end up as ocean debris contribute to habitat destruction and entangle and kill tens of thousands of marine animals each year. To limit your impact, carry a reusable water bottle, store food in non-disposable containers and recycle whenever possible.

2. Reduce your carbon footprint and energy consumption
By reducing your energy use, you can help to reduce the effects of climate change on the ocean. Small actions such as turning off lights, unplugging appliances when you’re not using them or walking to places instead of driving can make a big difference. A few things you can do to get started today are switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs, taking the stairs and using a fan to avoid oversetting your thermostat.
3. Eat sustainable seafood
Global fish populations are rapidly being depleted due to demand, loss of habitat, and unsustainable fishing practices. When shopping or dining out, help reduce the demand for overexploited species by choosing seafood that is both healthful and sustainable.

4. Conserve your water
80% of the world’s wastewater is released back into the environment, this can pollute and harm habitats. Wasted water at home is also water that could be used for environmental purposes such as protecting endangered species. You can conserve water by turning off the tap while you brush your teeth, only running the dishwasher or washing machine when you have a full load and cutting your showers short.
5. Throw your waste away
Whether you enjoy diving, surfing, or relaxing on the beach, always clean up after yourself. Explore and appreciate the ocean without interfering with wildlife or removing rocks and coral. Go even further by encouraging others to respect the marine environment or by participating in local beach cleanups.

6. Support Organizations Working to Protect the Ocean
Many institutes and organizations are fighting to protect ocean habitats and marine wildlife. Find a national organization like Ocean Clean Up or Parley for the Oceans and consider giving financial support or volunteering for hands-on work or advocacy. If you live near the coast, join up with a local branch or group and get involved in projects close to home.
7. Educate Yourself About Oceans and Marine Life
All life on Earth is connected to the ocean and its inhabitants. The more you learn about the issues facing this vital system, the more you’ll want to help ensure its health—then share that knowledge to educate and inspire others.

8. Spread the word about saving our oceans
The more people who know about the effects our actions are having on the world’s oceans, and the ways we can help protect them, the better. So, start spreading the word. Tell your family and friends and encourage them to get involved too.